AGILITY – Foundations for Performance dogs:
Open to dogs 6 months of age & over. We will play games that teach impulse control, increase motivation & focus, as well as developing teamwork. We will address body awareness & conditioning for the canine athlete. We will teach handlers how to shape behaviors using positive methods & how to effectively reward our dogs. Tunnels & cone work will be included as well as beginning teeter & weave exercises. No jumps or contacts. This is a prerequisite for all other agility classes.
AGILITY – Obstacles I:
We will begin jump training & sequencing of obstacles. We will also begin the basics of handling & discuss how we communicate with our dogs on the agility course. Beginning work on all obstacles & their safe performance will be covered. Open to all dogs who have completed Foundations & who are at least 1 year old.
AGILITY – Obstacles II:
We will progess the performance of all agility obstacles to full height & independence & also present short sequences. We will continue to discuss basic handling cues to our dogs for each obstacle. Open to dogs that have completed Obstacles I successfully.
AGILITY – Skills & Drills:
We divide the class into two sections. Handling techniques & common sequences using jumps & tunnels are taught on one half of the floor, while obstacle skills & short drills using contacts & weaves are offered on the other half. Students move to both areas. This class is highly individualized depending on the skills & abilities of the teams enrolled. Therefore it is appropriate for teams of all levels who want to work on specific skills & short sequences with focus on specific handling techniques.
AGILITY – Coursework:
This class focuses on the handling strategies used in running a full AKC Agility Course. It is open to dogs that are proficient on all the obstacles including weaves & teeter.
AGILITY – Masters:
This class is for teams actively competing in agility who wish to improve their skills & performance. The class will include challenges from the AKC Master & Premier classes (USDAA Masters & Masters Challenge Biathlon). Positive methods are employed to make sure dogs & handles are having fun while learning new skills & improving their fluency with current skills. Open to dogs that have acquired at least one leg in AKC Excellent or equivalent.
AGILITY – Drop-In:
No pre-registration required. Running complete courses. All skill levels. Outdoors. This 4 week session begins at 6pm & goes until all teams have had at least 3 runs.